Even if you manage your money and pay your bills on time all year, the holiday season can be a credit trap that adds up to some serious debt. With a little planning, though, it’s possible to avoid overspending on the holidays and start the new year off with your good credit intact.
One tip you’ve probably heard many times before is to give homemade gifts, such as food. With all the other work and family obligations at this time of year, however, not all of us have time to make gifts for everyone on our list. Here are a few tips to help you keep your holiday spending on track.
- Just as with grocery shopping, make a list of gifts to buy and a dollar limit for each item, and stick to your list.
- Instead of a marathon shopping trip to the mall, limit your shopping time to just an hour or two to help you stay focused.
- If you have a large group of family or coworkers to buy for, consider drawing names so everyone receives a gift and only has to buy one gift.
- Once this year’s shopping is over, plan ahead for next year by setting money aside each payday. Saving $50 a month will give you $600 to spend next year!