Q: Do Credit Cards Hurt Your Credit?
A: Credit cards and be a positive thing and a negative thing. If credit cards are used correctly, they can help your credit score dramatically! If they are not, they can ruin your credit. The key to using credit cards is to have as many as you can and keep a small balance. Contrary to popular belief, credit cards are a big help in boosting your credit. You must maintain a small balance along with a small monthly payment. Just having a credit card for a few short months can boost your credit if you have no credit at all. Do not abuse credit cards and do not forget to pay them. I use auto-pay on mine to make sure the payment is made each month. If you pay off your balance every month, there is usually no interest for that period.
This article was written by Tony Javier with Professional Home Buyers. Tony has been Investing in Real Estate since 2001 and has bought hundreds of properties in the process. He has great Rent-to-Own Programs that offer homes for sale to people with little to no credit. Friend him at http://www.facebook.com/tonyejavier.