Make your tax return work for you


Tax time is right around the corner, and you may be expecting a refund. Have you already thought about what you’re going to do with it? How about using it for a down payment on a house? We have several homes available with down payments less than $3,000. Check out our Web site to see all our available properties.

 If you already own a home, or your credit’s not in the greatest shape at the moment, paying down debt is another smart option for your tax return. If you have collections, contact the creditors and see if they’ll allow you to pay a lower amount if you can pay it in full immediately. If you’re behind on any accounts, bring them current. Reducing debt gives you more cash flow to do the things you want to now, or save for a future.

 Don’t have a savings account? Use your tax return to start one. When unexpected expenses come up, like car repairs, you can use money from savings to pay for it instead of racking up more debt or falling behind on other bills.

 However, if you choose to use your tax return, make sure you’re putting it to work to help with your future goals. And, set a little aside to do something fun for yourself and your family!

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